You are not obliged to receive your state pension at the statutory retirement age. Under the old system, those who had deferred payment of a state pension had the option of either receiving an increased pension when they finally started claiming it, or receiving an amount of capital (plus interest) that reflected the pension they had not received. Under the new system, the flat-rate option has been abolished. Those who postpone the payment of their new state pension simply receive an additional 1% of their pension for every nine weeks they postpone. This corresponds to an additional 5.8% for each year of carry-over. The new state pension is based on your contribution record, not a spouse`s, so in most cases you will not benefit from your spouse`s contributions. The main exceptions to this rule, as mentioned in the previous section, are that you can still inherit part of the SERPS pension from a deceased spouse if he or she reaches retirement age before the introduction of the new state pension. There are also a small number of married women (and widows) who have already paid the reduced rate of the married woman`s NI contributions, for which special rules apply. Any SERPS pension or S2P benefits to which you are entitled will be paid automatically when you apply for your state pension. As soon as your application is exhausted, the pension service will tell you the amount of your payment. Everything will be transferred to the bank account of your choice at the same time. If it was before, you have the right to inherit your entire SERPS pension; Whether it was the day or after, the SERPS you can inherit depend on the date of their birth: Full flat-rate pension £175.20 minus deduction for outsourcing of £-50.00 Holiday amount B £125.20 In 1988, the “exit” principle from the SERPS was extended to private pension provision, although it was implemented in a slightly different way.
If a person contributed to an “outsourced” private pension system, they also received an NI discount. But instead of paying a lower contribution rate, they continued to pay the full NI contributions. Instead, the NI discount was paid directly into his personal pension fund. Outsourcing to salary-based pension plans was abolished in April 2016, while outsourcing to defined contribution pension plans was abolished in April 2012. If you had protected rights, they would have become standard pension benefits in 2012, when contracting was no longer an option for defined contribution plans. However, it was possible to withdraw from the SERPS or the second state pension (known as “subcontracting”) to improve your occupational or private pension instead. This means that if you worked between 1978 and 2016, you may have been hired for part of that time if one of your company pension plans offered this option. If you receive less than the full state lump sum pension, no one will inherit your new state pension when you die. However, if you receive more than the full lump sum, any excess amount will be called a “protected pension”, and half of it can be passed on to a surviving spouse. For example, if you receive a weekly pension that is £20 higher than the full lump sum, your surviving spouse may inherit £10 per week. This inheritance should be made automatically once the death has been reported, although there may be a delay of several weeks before the new rate is given as payment.
If this is the case, any additional inherited amount must be backdated to the time of death. If you have reached (or will reach) your state`s retirement age after April 6, 2016, you are instead eligible for the “new state pension.” Again, the amount you receive may be lower if you have already been contracted. (It should be noted that the award of the contract was no longer possible after April 6, 2012, with the exception of certain final salary schemes.) The hearing before the Court of Justice will probably only concern the members or beneficiaries of the members who are between the 17th date of the Court of Justice. May 1990 (date of Barber v. GRE) and April 5, 1997 (date on which GMP ceased to apply) established a GMP. Members who transferred services from a previous GMP system that was established during the same period will also be affected. It is unlikely that other members will be affected by the decision. Even before the introduction of the new state pension, it was taken into account in the preparation of your state pension if you had concluded a contract. For example, for the period from 1978 to 1997, the government would calculate the amount of SERPS you would have accumulated if you had *not* moved, and then deduct the amount of pension that your company pension had promised instead of your SERPS pension. If you have been hired for the entire period, this could reduce your SERPS pension to zero. We explain how their pension will be from April 2016 and how the years following April 2016 will be based on this “severance amount”. In particular, we explain how the entire activity of “subcontracting” affects the state`s pension rights under the new rules.
We then explain the special rules for specific groups of people before answering some of the most frequently asked questions about the new state pension. In the appendix, we add a “jargon buster” that explains some of the technical terms used. We also provide a second appendix that deals with a particularly technical issue that may be of interest to some. Employers received benefits from the government if they chose to outsource SERPS employees. Members of outsourced pension schemes and their employers would pay a reduced or misappropriated rate of social security contributions in exchange for the completion of the supplementary state pension. .